Saturday, February 25, 2017

WE as a TEAM

A brief introduction  

We are extremely proud to introduce this blog which is a reflection of team work and eager motivation to help and be helped. Students and teacher create this team, and the personal pronouns WE perfectly embodies the relation we have. 

This blog saw the light after a brainstorm of ideas and it  was voted as the best way to get to other students who might need help. We worked together and studied feasible ways and actions that can guide teens on how to use internet safely . 

The name in a combination of internet teenagers and safe.

Our motto is a well known quote by Shakespeare:

‘’All that glitters is not gold.’’


AITANA ADRIÀ: Active and shy until one get to know me.

CARLOS ALCUSA: A person who can speak 5 languages very easily Languages are into anyone’s lives.

OLGA BARBERA:  A synchronized swimmer, I am free as a fish in the water.

PAULA BENLLOCH:   The future name of science in Spain and around the world.

CARLA CAÑADA: Sensitive and caring.

MARINA CHAVES:  A person who can be described  as an ambitious  multi task student.

ALBA GARCÍA: Drawing is my passion.

NOEMI GIL: Talkative , friendly with leadership traits.

AITANA MARIN   A bit shy but a real friend.

ENRIQUE MARQUÉS:  Collaborator of the tic Pcsantaana group. A beloved member of the peer group.

IGNACIO MARTINEZ:  The tallest and the cleverest in the class.

SILVIA MARTINEZ: The sparkle of our class.

JUNCAL RODRIGUEZ:  A great mathematics behind a special and unique name .

LINA TOMÁS:   A successful gymnastic and excellent drawer.

CARMEN MARIN:  An active dancer who loves music and fun.

GEORGIANA POPESCU:  An English and French teacher at Parque Colegio Santa Ana, Valencia.

Monday, February 20, 2017


WE can present ourselves in a million different ways but the most relevant that we can think of is this piece of news published in 2014. Back then our IT member of this group was due to change school but fortunately our power of will made it impossible to happen.
Hence, he is still here working side by side, each and every day.

If you want to read more:

Thursday, February 16, 2017

HE, that sows iniquity shall reap sorrow!

This article talks about how you can get to live  the same punishment you apply to others.
So be kind and care for the others in the same way you want to be cared after.
It's worth reading it!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


In case of sexting

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Sexting, Grooming in Oxford Dictionary Definition

According to the Oxford Dictionary we have the following definitions:



[WITH OBJECT]usually as  noun sexting
  • Send (someone) sexually explicit photographs or messages via mobile phone:
    ‘older teens are more likely to engage in sexting than their younger counterparts’
    ‘one in nine Brits sext their partner every day, a new survey has found’
    [no object] ‘the primary reason teenagers sext is to look cool and sexy to someone they find attractive’



    Prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity:
    ‘star pupils who are groomed for higher things’
    1.  (of a paedophile) prepare (a child) for a meeting, especially via an Internet chat room, with the intention of committing a sexual offence.


Here is another case of sexting as many others. The best thing is that WE can change it!

Sunday, February 12, 2017